Shrink wrap… you know what it is. You’ve seen it before. You’ve heard of it before. “It’s the stuff they put on boats, right?” Yes, that’s correct. But, that’s not the only use for this magical product. Today, were going to dive into one of the many uses this product has to offer. Shrink wrap has many different applications, but its uses in construction are vast and the benefits are numerous. Let’s take a look at the some of the different ways shrink wrap can be applied to the construction industry.
Weather Protection

One of the main uses for shrink wrap in construction is for weather protection. Shrink wrap can be fitted to any size project in the construction industry, from small window coverings, to sides of a building, to an entire building itself. Shrink wrap can protect the interior of a building from all the elements; it can keep out the rain, snow, wind, and hail. This is beneficial is to keep the elements out during those times when you can’t have/don’t want anything inside the building during the building process. Some of the reasons why new construction in covered is to heat the building during winter months when you want to pour concrete. On the other end of the scale, it can provide much needed shade in those hot summer months. Shrink wrap can also protect electrical, HVAC, plumbing, drywall, or any other weather sensitive systems from the rain and snow. This can keep the building process from encountering delays when the exterior hasn’t caught up to the interior or keep the construction process moving when it would normally be at a standstill. This can also help to streamline the planning and building processes for any project.
Scaffolding can also be shrink wrapped for similar benefits. Keeping the elements away from the exterior of the building can speed up construction processes such as painting, glass, or panel work and even for masonry. Shrink wrap can also add to the safety of a work site by helping to keep dropped objects to a minimum, plus protecting workers from the elements will drastically cut down on slips, trips, and fall hazards.
Temporary Enclosures
Shrink-wrap can be utilized for temporary enclosures for many different applications in and around construction sites. Having the ability to fully enclose only certain parts of the site has many advantages. Uses can include: storage for materials and equipment; full enclosures for sand blasting, cutting, or grinding; any other activities that produce dust or debris that you would want to contain from the rest of the working areas. These temporary enclosures can also be properly ventilated, and doors and windows can be added in any size and shape.
Temporary walls can also provide the protection that is sometimes needed when outside contamination must be prevented from entering the interior environment. This can be used in many different aspects, but a few worth mentioning would be during renovations or expansions of existing facilities. These temporary walls can also help keep areas open that cannot be shut down when work needs to be performed or equipment needs to be maintained or replaced.

As you can see, there are many uses for shrink wrap in the construction industry. The abilities of shrink wrap to conform to many different shapes and sizes and be used for many different fields and purposes throughout a construction site can make it a very beneficial and cost-effective alternative to many of the standards in the current industry today.