Today we are going to look at shrink wrap and how it holds up against some of the tougher elements it may live in. Most shrink wrapped items live outdoors, so it’s no surprise it needs to be dependable in any weather or temperature.
High Winds
Shrink wrap performs exceptionally under high winds. Because shrink wrap is tightly secured and shrunk tight as a drum to whatever it is covering, shrink wrap does not move or flap in the wind, and it takes less of a beating than something like a tarp would. Tarps often are tied down, and re-tied down, and then tied down again after a big storm. That is not the case with shrink wrap. Plus, because shrink wrap moves less and stays in place better, there is less chance for rips and tears, which also means less abrasion and chaffing to whatever the wrap is covering.
Extreme Cold
Shrink wrap will not crack when exposed to extreme temperatures, and trust us, we’re from upstate New York, so we know cold. The reason for this is because all of our shrink wrap is made from 100% virgin resin, which allows it to retain its shape/hold in even the coldest of temperatures. Shrink wrap does not freeze, get brittle, or crack in cold temperatures, which makes it the best protector around.
Sweltering Heat
Surely you will notice it’s over a hundred degrees outside, but your shrink wrap won’t. All of our shrink wrap contains UV blockers to protect against light degradation and keep your item protected. But, if you heat shrink wrap to shrink it, won’t scorching hot temperatures make it shrink even more? Wrong! Our heat guns work at an average temperature of 1,000 degrees, so even the hottest day isn’t hot enough to cause additional shrinkage.
Torrential Rains
When applied correctly, shrink wrap will create a waterproof barrier around whatever it’s wrapping. So long as there are no holes in the wrap, no water will be getting in given that all “ends” are heat sealed for complete coverage. The 100% virgin resin material makeup also helps, given that resin is waterproof in its own right. The fact that it’s stretched thin into a roll of wrap doesn’t decrease its waterproof qualities in the slightest.
So, as you can see, shrink wrap reigns triumphant against anything the elements can throw its way. If you’re looking for the ultimate storage, construction, or transportation solution, look no further than ZAP Shrink Wrap.